~ About the Author ~

My photo
Hi, everyone! My name is Kira. At least to you people online. People are usually surprised when they learn I have autism. Many people are under the impression that autistic people are only good at math & don't talk. This is obviously a misconception. I didn't know I was autistic until after I had graduated high school. I was eighteen years old when I took a test with a psychologist to see if I was on the autism spectrum. In the end, it turned out that I have high-functioning autism ((HFA)) or Aspergers Syndrome. I can pretty much pass as "normal" person, with the exceptions that I'm not that great at making eye-contact, I'm generally quiet and a little aloof, social situations are very awkward for me, and I have many sensory issues. Sounds that wouldn't bother most people are incredibly loud and sometimes painful to me. Bright lights hurt my eyes, especially if they're flashing. Tastes and smells are sometimes overwhelming as well. On top of all of that, I don't really like people touching me. I'm a huge fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and his works. I love to write, draw, read, play the piano, paint, and other creative things like that.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Not Really the Definition I'd Intended, But, Oh Well.....................

Okay, so, apparently, it's been this trend to look up your name or alias on Urban Dictionary. I finally gave in and looked up my own name/alias, "Kira". Here are just a few of the entries:

I like this first one.


1. Female name of Celtic origins, meaning "dark lady".
2. God.
3. The absolute coolest person ever.

While I do not claim to be God as that would be sacrilege, not to mention exceptionally vain and presumptuous, as well as incredibly untrue, I'm flattered that some people think my name implies "the absolute coolest person ever". You make me blush, Internet peoples.

This one was flattering as well, though most likely completely wrong, as far as I'm concerned, due to much past experience.

The name of a sweet young girl whose smile and laugh could light up a world filled with darkness and the eyes that could make your anger vanish into thin air.
Syn: Hey, you see Kira? How my soul longs for her.
Zacky: She doesn't like you so shut up!
Syn: Don't get mad cuz she don't like you either.

This one just made me laugh. A lot. Especially considering that I'm not a huge fan of peanut butter.


Kira is a usually mild-mannered girl who, when supplied with an adequate amount of Reeses, is very calm and easy to talk to.
If Kira does not have Reeses, she turns into the Kira Monster.
The Kira Monster will stop at nothing to get her Reeses.

When confronted by the Kira Monster, you have two options:
1. Give her Reeses

2. Run like hell
Ariel: "Is that the Kira Monster?"
Shirley: "Oh my God...run!"
Ariel: "No, mom, just give her Reeses and it will be okay."

This next one is just epic. Although, it sounds a little more like one of my friends than me in the hyperactivity department. And the hotness department.


1. Owner of all the turtles, the absoloute coolest person in the universe. A Kira is usually STUNNING, and completely HOT!!! Kira is the bestest friend you could have, always listening. Kira's are often really nice, very emotional and romantic. You never hear them say anything nasty or mean about or to another person. When you are around a Kira, happiness flows into you. Kira's are full of joy and fun. They can be crazy at times, but still understanding. Everybody LOVES a Kira.
Person 1: *sobs*
Kira: Oh, don't cry, I'll give you my turtle.
Person 1: *Laughs*
Kira: YAY! Lets skip around being aeroplanes.
Person 1: Omg, you are such a Kira.

And I suppose the last two entries were written by someone who really doesn't like someone who I am unfortunate enough to share an alias with, though I'm not changing it for anyone. Therefore, I am not posting those here. If you want to know, go look them up yourself. Also, I've left out any references to manga and/or anime, such as DeathNote and Gundam, due to the fact that these are pop-culture terms and totally and completely over-used and don't really describe me at all, whatsoever, as much as I'd love to be an invincible, time-traveling person who is a really awesome fighter/warrior. Unfortunately, time travel is beyond my range of talents, I'm afraid that being invincible is not really an option, and fighting is something I'd rather avoid, though, I'm sure, if it came down to it, I could definitely kick some arse.

Well, anyways, I guess I'm done writing in here today. Here's hoping that everyone's doing well and stuff.

Monday, July 4, 2011

A Wonderful Weekend

Hopefully, everyone will pardon me for any spelling/grammatical/other errors I make while writing this post. I'm a little tired from my long but amazing weekend. My best friend came to stay for the weekend, and we've been having a great time! I helped her with some videos she had to make for her online summer course, which was quite fun! I have to say that I think they came out to be absolutely epic! :)

Also, while I was at my grandparents' house today along with other relatives and my best friend, I drew two complete pictures in my sketchbook. Usually, sketching occurs, but the drawings never really get completed. Today, however, must have been a good day for creativity! So, yes, I was very happy! :) That, and the food, though admittedly not the most health-conscious in the world, was wonderful as well! Hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, watermelon, baked beans ((which I don't eat)), potato chips, peach cobbler ((which I didn't eat either, because my grandmother puts way too much cinnamon in hers, unfortunately)), and blueberry pound cake ((which I didn't eat mainly due to the fact that I was incredibly full, what with all of the other good food)). There was also sweet tea, as well as lemonade and soda. I mostly had lemonade, though I had a soda later on as well. I can only thank God that I do not yet suffer severe heartburn, or else, I would not be feeling very well at all right now. At the moment, I'm feeling fine, other than exceptionally tired.

Well, anyways, I suppose that's all I'll type for tonight on here. Write. Blog. Whatever. Hopefully, everyone out there is doing well, and I wish everyone a Happy Fourth of July! ^-^


~ Kira ~